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Düşük-boyutlu yapılar (Low-dimensional structures)
Bilgisayar hesaplamalı fizik (Computational physics)
Matematiksel fizik (Mathematical physics)
Quantum fiziği (Quantum physics)
Ab-Initio hesapları
Uluslararası Hakemli Dergilerde Yayınlanan SCI-Expanded Makaleler:
- B. Çakır, Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, Investigation of the electronic structure in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum dots with four electrons, Advanced Theory and Simulations 2024, 2400910. DOI: 10.1002/adts.202400910
- Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Optical Properties of Three-Electron GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs QDs with Finite Confinement Potential, Advanced Theory and Simulations 2024, 2400515. DOI: 10.1002/adts.202400515
- C. Demir, B. Çakır, Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, Energies of the Ground and Excited States of Confined Two-Electron Atom in Finite Potential Well. Physica B: Condensed Matter 656 (2023) 414967.
- Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, C. Demir, A. Özmen, Coulomb, Exchange, Kinetic, Nuclear Attraction and Ionization Energies of Two-Electron Quantum Dot with Finite Confinement Potential. Physics Letters A 466 (2023) 128724.
- A. Özmen, B. Çakır, C. Demir, Y. Yakar, Investigation of Electronic Structure of a Lithium Atom Confined by a Finite Spherical Cavity. Physica B: Condensed Matter 656 (2023) 414775.
- C. Demir, Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Excited State Energies, Orbital Energies and Virial Coefficients in Confined Multi-Electron Systems. Journal of Luminescence 251 (2022) 119185
- Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, C. Demir A. Özmen, Relativistic Effects in Confined Helium-like Atoms. Journal of Luminescence 239 (2021) 118346 .
- Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, C. Demir, A. Özmen, Energy States, Oscillator Strengths and Polarizabilities of Many Electron Atoms Confined by an Impenetrable Spherical Cavity. International J. Quantum Chemistry 121 (2021) e26658.
- B. Çakır, Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, Calculation of Electric Field Gradient in Spherical Quantum Dots, Philosophical Magazine 100 (2020) 248.
- Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Polarizability and Electric Field Gradient of Two-Electron Quantum Dot, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 137 (2020) 109214.
- Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Dipole and Quadrupole Polarizabilities and Oscillator Strengths of Spherical Quantum Dot, Chemical Physics 513 (2018) 213.
- Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Magnetic Field Effects on Oscillator Strength, Dipole Polarizability and Refractive Index Changes in Spherical Quantum Dot, Chemical Physics Letters 708 (2018) 138.
- B. Çakır, Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, Investigation of Magnetic Field Effects on Binding Energies in Spherical quantum Dot with Finite Confinement potential, Chemical Physics Letters 684 (2017) 250.
- B. Çakır, Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, Linear and Nonlinear Absorption Coefficients of Spherical Quantum Dot inside External Magnetic Field, Physica B: Condensed Matter 510 (2017) 86.
- Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, F. Yılmazer, A. Özmen, Zeeman Transitions in Spherical Quantum Dot, AIP Conference Proceedings 1815 (2017) 030018..
- B. Çakır, Ü. Atav, Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, Calculation of Zeeman Splitting and Zeeman Transition Energies of Spherical Quantum dot in Uniform Magnetic Field, Chemical Physics 475 (2016) 61.
- B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Y. Yakar, Computation of Hyperfine Energies of Hydrogen, Deuterium and Tritium Quantum Dots, Physica B: Condensed Matter 481 (2016) 32.
- Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, B. Çakır, Computation of energy states of hydrogenic quantum dot with two-electrons, AIP Conference Proceedings 1722 (2016) 110001.
- Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Calculation of Hyperfine Interaction in Spherical Quantum Dot, Superlattices and Microstructures 86 (2015) 20.
- Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Electronic Structure of Two-Electron Quantum Dot with Parabolic Potential, Philosophical Magazine 95 (2015) 311.
- Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Linear and nonlinear absorption coefficients of spherical two electron quantum dot, Computer Physics Communications 188 (2015) 88.
- B. Çakır, Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, Linear and Nonlinear Optical Absorption Coefficients of Two-Electron Spherical Quantum Dot with Parabolic Potential, Physica B: Condensed Matter 458 (2015) 138.
- B. Çakır, Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, Calculation of Oscillator Strength and the Effects of Electric Field on Energy States, Static and Dynamic Polarizabilities of the Confined Hydrogen Atom, Optics Communications 311 (2013) 222.
- Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Off-Center Hydrogenic Impurity in Spherical Quantum Dot with Parabolic Potential, Superlattices and Microstructures 60 (2013) 389.
- Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Electronic structure and relativistic terms of one-electron spherical quantum dot. Journal of Luminescence 137 (2013) 259.
- Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Computation of Relativistic Terms in a Spherical Quantum Dot. Journal of Luminescence 134 (2013) 778.
- Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Refractive index changes and absorption coefficients in a spherical quantum dot with parabolic potential. Journal of Luminescence 132 (2012) 2659.
- Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Computation of Ionization and Various Excited State Energies of Helium and Helium-Like Quantum Dots. International J. Quantum Chemistry 111 (2011) 4139.
- B. Çakır, Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, Linear and Nonlinear Refractive Index Changes in Spherical Quantum Dot. Progress In Electromagnetic Research M 21 (2011) 77.
- Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Calculation of linear and nonlinear optical absorption coefficients of a spherical quantum dot with parabolic potential. Optics Communications 283 (2010) 1795.
- B. Çakır, Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, M.Ö. Sezer, M. Şahin, Linear and nonlinear absorption coefficients and binding energy of a spherical quantum dot. Supperlattices and Microstructures 47 (2010) 556.
- Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties in Spherical Quantum Dots. Communication in Theoretical Physics 53 (2010) 1185.
- A. Özmen, Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, Ü. Atav, Computation of the Oscillator Strength and absorption Coefficients for the Intersubband Transitions of the Spherical Quantum Dot. Optics Communications 282 (2009) 3999.
- B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Ü. Atav, H. Yüksel, Y. Yakar, Calculation of the Electronic Structure of a Spherical Quantum Dot Using a Combination of Quantum Genetic Algorithm and Hartree-Fock Roothaan Method. International J. Modern Physics C 19 (2008) 599.
- B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Ü. Atav, H. Yüksel, Y. Yakar, Investigation of Electronic Structure of a Quantum Dot Using Slater-Type Orbitals and Quantum Genetic Algorithm. International J. Modern Physics C 18 (2007) 61.
- Y. Yakar, Evaluation of Orbital- and Ground State Energies of Some Open- and Closed-Shell Atoms over Integer and Noninteger Slater Type Orbitals. Chinese J. Chemistry 25 (2007) 25.
- Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, B. Çakır, H. Yüksel, Computation of Rotation Matrices Making Lined-up to the Local Cartesian Coordinates. J. The Chinese Chemical Society 54 (2007) 1139.
- Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, Ü. Atav, Evaluation of Two-Center One- and Two-Electron Integrals over Slater Type Orbitals. Chinese J. Chemistry 24 (2006) 603.
- A. Özmen, A. Karakaş, Ü. Atav, Y. Yakar, Computation of Two-Center Coulomb Integrals over Slater-Type Orbitals using Elliptical Coordinates. International J. Quantum Chemistry 91 (2003) 13.
Uluslararası Hakemli Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler:
- Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Ground Sate and Relativistic Energies of Open-and Closed-Shell Atoms (Z=2-38) Over Integer and Noninteger n-Slater Type Orbitals. Far East Journal of Electric and Communications 6 (2010) 93.
- Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Ground and Excited State Energies of a Hydrogenic Impurity over Exponential Type Orbitals. Azerbaijan Journal of Physics, 16, 231-233 (2010).
- B. Çakır, Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, Energy States of a Spherical Quantum Dot over Slater Type Orbitals. Azerbaijan Journal of Physics, 16, 234-236 (2010).
- Y. Yakar, M.Ö. Sezer, B. Çakır, H. Yüksel, Calculation of Electric Field Gradient over Slater-Type-Orbitals with Noninteger Principle Quantum Numbers. Energy Educ. Sci. Technol. 12 (2004) 49.
- Y. Yakar, M.Ö. Sezer, A. Özmen, H. Şafak, H. Yüksel, The Calculation of one-Centre Coulomb Integrals over Noniteger-n Slater-Type Orbitals. Energy Educ. Sci. Technol. 11 (2003) 61.
- A. Özmen, Y. Yakar, E. Akın, M.Ö. Sezer, A. Karakaş, H. Yüksel, Calculation of Electric Field Gradient at the Nuclei of Halogenic Atoms and Ions by using the Binomial Coefficients. Energy Educ. Sci. Technol. 11 (2003) 45.
Uluslararası Konferanslarda Sunulan Bildiriler :
- Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, B. Çakır, Perturbation Calculation of off-Center Hydrohenic Donor, Turkish Physical Society 33th International Physics Congress, September 6-10, pp-257, 2017 /Bodrum-Turkey.
- Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, B. Çakır, Dipole Polarizabilities of Hydrohenic Impurity, Turkish Physical Society 33th International Physics Congress, September 6-10, pp-231, 2017 /Bodrum-Turkey.
- B. Çakır, Y. Yakar, S.S. Doğan, A. Özmen, Binding Eenergies of Many Electron Quantum Dots, Turkish Physical Society 33th International Physics Congress, September 6-10, pp-415, 2017 /Bodrum-Turkey.
- B. Çakır, Y. Yakar, A. Türker, A. Özmen, Electric Field Affet on Spherical Quantum Dot, Turkish Physical Society 33th International Physics Congress, September 6-10, pp-419, 2017 /Bodrum-Turkey.
- Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Dipole Polarization of Hydrogenic Impurity, International Conferance, 18-20 May 2017, Kaunas/Lithuania
- Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Energy States and Binding Energies of Hydrogenic Impurity, International Conferance, 18-20 May 2017, Kaunas/Lithuania
- Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, F. Yılmazer, A. Özmen, Zeeman Transition energies in Spherical Quantum Dot, Turkish Physical Society 32th International Physics Congress, September 6-9, 2016 /Bodrum-Turkey.
- Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, B. Çakır, Computation of Energy States of Hydrogenic Quantum Dot with Two-Electron, 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union- BPU-9, 24 – 27 August , 2015 , İstanbul University, İstanbul/Türkel.
- Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Evaluation of Overlap Integrals in Molecular Coordinate System with Slater-Type Orbitals, 3rd International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 2014, August 25-28, Vienna, Austria.
- Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Computation of Energies of Atoms over Integer and Noninteger Quantum Numense, 1st International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 2012, September 03-07, Prishtine Kosova.
- Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Ground and Excited State Energies of a Hydrogenic Impurity over Exponential Type Orbitals. International PHYSICS-2010 Conference, 2010, 30 June- 2July, Baku, Azerbaijan.
- B. Çakır, Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, Energy States of a Spherical Quantum Dot over Slater Type Orbitals. International PHYSICS-2010 Conference, 2010, 30 June- 2July, Baku, Azerbaijan.
- B. Çakır, A. Özmen, M. Şahin, Y. Yakar, Ü. ATV, H. Yüksel, Determination of Wave Function of a Quantum Dot Using the Genetic Algorithm. Proceedings of the International Conference on Modelling and Simulation. 2006, 28–30 August 2006, Konya, TURKEY, Paper No B032.
Ulusal Hakemli Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
- F. Yılmazer, Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Electronic Structure and Bindini Energy of Spherical Quantum Dot, ASUJSE Journal of Science and Engineering, 1, (2017) 41.
- A. Türker, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Y. Yakar, İki elektronu Kuantum Nokta Yapılarda Elektrik Alan Etkisinin Pertürbasyon Yöntemiyle İncelenmesi, S.Ü. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 42 (2016) 64.
- E. Ş. Doğan, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Y. Yakar, Kuantum Nokta Yapılarda Elektrik alan Etkisinin Pertürbasyon Yöntemiyle İncelenmesi, S.Ü. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 41 (2015) 124.
- B. Çakır, M.Ö. Sezer, Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, H. Yüksel, Hidrojen Tipi Kuantum Nokta Yapının Taban Durumunun Kuantum Genetik Algoritma Yöntemiyle İncelenmesi. S.Ü. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 33 (2009) 45.
- Y. Yakar, M.Ö. Sezer, B. Çakır, H. Yüksel, Calculation of Two-Center One Electron Integrals. Physics, Engineering Physics, Electronic Engineering and Astronomy 49 (2005) 1.
- B. Çakır, E. Akın, Y. Yakar, M. Karabıyık, A. Güleç, H. Yüksel, 1,4 Benzokonin, 2-Metil-1, 4-Benzokonin ve Tetrametil-1, 4- Benzokonin Moleküllerinin Elektronik Spektroskopi Yöntemiyle İncelenmesi, S.Ü. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 24 (2004) 1.
- Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, Birinci Sıra Atomlarda Aşırı İnce Yapı Çiftenim Sabitlerinin Binom Katsayıları Kullanılarak Hesaplanması, S.Ü. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 19 (2002) 113.
- Y. Yakar, M.Ö. Sezer, Computation of One-Center Overlap, Nuclear Attraction and Kinetic Energy Integrals ov er Nonintegral-n Slater-Type Orbitals, Physics, Engineering Physics, Electronic Engineering and Astronomy 46 (2001) 41.
- A. Özmen, Y. Yakar, M.Ö. Sezer, Ü. Atak, Yüksel H, Binom Katsayıları Kullanılarak Tek Merkez Overlap, Potansiyel ve Kinetik Enerji İntegrallerinin Slater-Tipi Orbitaller Üzerinden Hesaplanması S.Ü. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 18 (2001) 67.
- B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Y. Yakar, M.Ö. Sezer, Yüksel H, Fenol, p-Bromfenol ve p-Nitrofenol Moleküllerinin Moleküler elektronik Spektroskopi Yöntemiyle İncelenmesi. S.Ü. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 18 (2001) 73.
- M.Ö. Sezer, A. Özmen, M. Kumru, Y. Yakar, H. Yüksel, Toluidine Moleküllerinin Elektronik Soğurma Spektroskopisi, S.Ü. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 1 (2000) 51.
- Y. Yakar, H. Yüksel, M. Kumru, A. Özmen, Benzen, Anilin ve Piridin Moleküllerinin Elektronik Soğurma Spektroskopisi, S.Ü. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 15 (1998) 47.