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  • h-index: 21 “Web of Science”


Düşük-boyutlu yapılar (Low-dimensional structures)

Bilgisayar hesaplamalı fizik (Computational physics)

Matematiksel fizik (Mathematical physics)

Quantum fiziği (Quantum physics)

Ab-Initio hesapları


Uluslararası Hakemli Dergilerde Yayınlanan SCI-Expanded Makaleler:

  1.  B. Çakır, Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, Investigation of the electronic structure in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum dots with four electrons, Advanced Theory and Simulations  2024, 2400910.  DOI: 10.1002/adts.202400910
  2. Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen,  Optical Properties of Three-Electron GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs QDs with Finite Confinement Potential, Advanced Theory and Simulations  2024, 2400515.  DOI: 10.1002/adts.202400515
  3. C. Demir, B. Çakır,  Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, Energies of the Ground and Excited States of Confined Two-Electron Atom in Finite Potential Well. Physica B: Condensed Matter 656 (2023) 414967.
  4. Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, C. Demir, A. Özmen, Coulomb, Exchange, Kinetic, Nuclear Attraction and Ionization Energies of Two-Electron Quantum Dot with Finite Confinement Potential. Physics Letters A  466 (2023) 128724.
  5. A. Özmen,  B. Çakır, C. Demir, Y. Yakar, Investigation of Electronic Structure of a Lithium Atom Confined by a Finite Spherical Cavity. Physica B: Condensed Matter 656 (2023) 414775.
  6. C. Demir, Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Excited State Energies, Orbital Energies and Virial Coefficients in Confined Multi-Electron Systems. Journal of Luminescence  251 (2022) 119185
  7. Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, C. Demir A. Özmen,  Relativistic Effects in Confined Helium-like Atoms.  Journal of Luminescence  239 (2021) 118346 .
  8. Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, C. Demir, A. Özmen, Energy States, Oscillator Strengths and Polarizabilities of Many Electron Atoms Confined by an Impenetrable Spherical Cavity. International J. Quantum Chemistry 121 (2021) e26658.
  9. B. Çakır, Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, Calculation of Electric Field Gradient in Spherical Quantum Dots, Philosophical Magazine 100 (2020) 248.
  10. Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen,  Polarizability and Electric Field Gradient of Two-Electron Quantum Dot, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 137 (2020) 109214.
  11. Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Dipole and Quadrupole Polarizabilities and Oscillator Strengths of Spherical Quantum Dot,  Chemical Physics  513 (2018) 213.
  12. Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Magnetic Field Effects on Oscillator Strength, Dipole Polarizability and Refractive Index Changes in Spherical Quantum Dot,  Chemical Physics Letters 708 (2018) 138.
  13. B. Çakır, Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, Investigation of Magnetic Field Effects on Binding Energies in Spherical quantum Dot with Finite Confinement potential, Chemical Physics Letters 684 (2017) 250.
  14. B. Çakır, Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, Linear and Nonlinear Absorption Coefficients of Spherical Quantum Dot inside External Magnetic Field, Physica B: Condensed Matter  510 (2017) 86.
  15. Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, F. Yılmazer, A. Özmen, Zeeman Transitions in Spherical Quantum Dot, AIP Conference Proceedings 1815 (2017) 030018..
  16. B. Çakır, Ü. Atav, Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, Calculation of Zeeman Splitting and Zeeman Transition Energies of Spherical Quantum dot in Uniform Magnetic Field, Chemical Physics 475 (2016) 61.
  17. B. Çakır,  A. Özmen, Y. Yakar, Computation of Hyperfine Energies of Hydrogen, Deuterium and Tritium Quantum Dots, Physica B: Condensed Matter 481 (2016) 32.
  18. Y. Yakar,  A. Özmen, B. Çakır, Computation of energy states of hydrogenic quantum dot with two-electrons, AIP Conference Proceedings 1722 (2016) 110001.
  19. Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Calculation of Hyperfine Interaction in Spherical Quantum Dot, Superlattices and Microstructures 86 (2015) 20.
  20. Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Electronic Structure of Two-Electron Quantum Dot with Parabolic Potential, Philosophical Magazine  95 (2015) 311.
  21. Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Linear and nonlinear absorption coefficients of spherical two electron quantum dot, Computer Physics Communications 188 (2015) 88.
  22. B. Çakır, Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, Linear and Nonlinear Optical Absorption Coefficients of Two-Electron Spherical Quantum Dot with Parabolic Potential, Physica B: Condensed Matter  458 (2015) 138.
  23. B. Çakır, Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, Calculation of Oscillator Strength and the Effects of Electric Field on Energy States, Static and Dynamic Polarizabilities of the Confined Hydrogen Atom, Optics Communications  311 (2013) 222.
  24. Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Off-Center Hydrogenic Impurity in Spherical Quantum Dot with Parabolic Potential, Superlattices and Microstructures 60 (2013) 389.
  25. Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen,  Electronic structure and relativistic terms of one-electron spherical quantum dot.  Journal of Luminescence 137 (2013) 259.
  26. Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Computation of Relativistic Terms in a Spherical Quantum Dot.  Journal of Luminescence 134 (2013) 778.
  27. Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Refractive index changes and absorption coefficients in a spherical quantum dot with parabolic potential. Journal of Luminescence 132 (2012) 2659.
  28. Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Computation of Ionization and Various Excited State Energies of Helium and Helium-Like Quantum Dots. International J. Quantum Chemistry 111 (2011) 4139.
  29. B. Çakır, Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, Linear and Nonlinear Refractive Index Changes in Spherical Quantum Dot. Progress In Electromagnetic Research M  21 (2011) 77.
  30. Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Calculation of linear and nonlinear optical absorption coefficients of a spherical quantum dot with parabolic potential. Optics Communications 283 (2010) 1795.
  31. B. Çakır, Y. Yakar, A. Özmen,  M.Ö. Sezer, M. Şahin, Linear and nonlinear absorption  coefficients and binding energy of a spherical quantum dot. Supperlattices and Microstructures 47 (2010) 556.
  32. Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties in Spherical Quantum Dots.  Communication in Theoretical Physics  53 (2010) 1185.
  33. A. Özmen, Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, Ü. Atav, Computation of the Oscillator Strength and absorption Coefficients for the Intersubband Transitions of the Spherical Quantum Dot. Optics Communications  282 (2009) 3999.
  34. B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Ü. Atav, H. Yüksel, Y. Yakar, Calculation of the Electronic  Structure of a Spherical Quantum Dot Using a Combination of Quantum Genetic Algorithm and Hartree-Fock Roothaan Method. International J. Modern Physics C 19 (2008) 599.
  35. B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Ü. Atav, H. Yüksel, Y. Yakar, Investigation of Electronic Structure of a Quantum Dot Using Slater-Type Orbitals and Quantum Genetic Algorithm. International J. Modern Physics C 18 (2007) 61.
  36. Y. Yakar, Evaluation of Orbital- and Ground State Energies of Some Open- and Closed-Shell Atoms over Integer and Noninteger Slater Type Orbitals. Chinese J. Chemistry 25 (2007) 25.
  37. Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, B. Çakır, H. Yüksel, Computation of Rotation Matrices Making Lined-up to the Local Cartesian Coordinates.  J. The Chinese Chemical Society 54 (2007) 1139.
  38. Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, Ü. Atav, Evaluation of Two-Center One- and Two-Electron Integrals over Slater Type Orbitals.  Chinese J.  Chemistry 24 (2006) 603.
  39. A. Özmen, A. Karakaş, Ü. Atav, Y. Yakar, Computation of Two-Center Coulomb Integrals over Slater-Type Orbitals using Elliptical Coordinates. International J. Quantum Chemistry  91 (2003) 13.

Uluslararası Hakemli Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler:

  1. Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Ground Sate and Relativistic Energies of Open-and Closed-Shell Atoms (Z=2-38) Over Integer and Noninteger n-Slater Type Orbitals. Far East Journal of Electric and Communications  6 (2010) 93.
  2. Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Ground and Excited State Energies of a Hydrogenic Impurity over Exponential Type Orbitals. Azerbaijan Journal of Physics, 16, 231-233 (2010).
  3. B. Çakır, Y. Yakar,  A. Özmen, Energy States of a Spherical Quantum Dot over Slater Type Orbitals.  Azerbaijan Journal of Physics, 16, 234-236 (2010).
  4. Y. Yakar, M.Ö. Sezer, B. Çakır, H. Yüksel, Calculation of Electric Field Gradient   over Slater-Type-Orbitals with Noninteger Principle Quantum Numbers. Energy Educ. Sci. Technol. 12 (2004) 49.
  5. Y. Yakar, M.Ö. Sezer, A. Özmen, H. Şafak, H. Yüksel, The Calculation of one-Centre Coulomb Integrals over Noniteger-n Slater-Type Orbitals. Energy Educ. Sci. Technol. 11 (2003) 61.
  6. A. Özmen, Y. Yakar, E. Akın, M.Ö. Sezer, A. Karakaş, H. Yüksel, Calculation of Electric Field Gradient at the Nuclei of Halogenic Atoms and Ions by using the Binomial Coefficients. Energy Educ. Sci. Technol. 11 (2003) 45.

 Uluslararası Konferanslarda Sunulan Bildiriler :

  1. Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, B. Çakır, Perturbation Calculation of off-Center Hydrohenic Donor, Turkish Physical Society 33th International Physics Congress, September 6-10, pp-257, 2017 /Bodrum-Turkey.
  2. Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, B. Çakır, Dipole Polarizabilities of Hydrohenic Impurity, Turkish Physical Society 33th International Physics Congress, September 6-10, pp-231, 2017 /Bodrum-Turkey.
  3. B. Çakır, Y. Yakar, S.S. Doğan, A. Özmen, Binding Eenergies of Many Electron Quantum Dots, Turkish Physical Society 33th International Physics Congress, September 6-10, pp-415, 2017 /Bodrum-Turkey.
  4. B. Çakır, Y. Yakar, A. Türker, A. Özmen, Electric Field Affet on Spherical Quantum Dot, Turkish Physical Society 33th International Physics Congress, September 6-10, pp-419, 2017 /Bodrum-Turkey.
  5. Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Dipole Polarization of Hydrogenic Impurity, International Conferance, 18-20 May 2017, Kaunas/Lithuania
  6. Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Energy States and Binding Energies of Hydrogenic Impurity, International Conferance, 18-20 May 2017, Kaunas/Lithuania
  7. Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, F. Yılmazer, A. Özmen, Zeeman Transition energies in Spherical Quantum Dot, Turkish Physical Society 32th International Physics Congress, September 6-9, 2016 /Bodrum-Turkey.
  8. Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, B. Çakır, Computation of Energy States of Hydrogenic Quantum Dot with Two-Electron9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union- BPU-9, 24 – 27 August , 2015 , İstanbul University, İstanbul/Türkel.
  9. Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Evaluation of Overlap Integrals in Molecular Coordinate System with Slater-Type Orbitals3rd International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical   Sciences and Applications, 2014, August 25-28Vienna, Austria.
  10. Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Computation of Energies of Atoms over Integer and Noninteger Quantum Numense, 1st International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 2012, September 03-07, Prishtine Kosova.
  11. Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Ground and Excited State Energies of a Hydrogenic Impurity over Exponential Type Orbitals. International PHYSICS-2010 Conference, 2010, 30 June- 2July, Baku, Azerbaijan.
  12. B. Çakır, Y. Yakar,  A. Özmen, Energy States of a Spherical Quantum Dot over Slater Type Orbitals. International PHYSICS-2010 Conference, 2010, 30 June- 2July, Baku, Azerbaijan.
  13. B. Çakır, A. Özmen, M. Şahin, Y. Yakar, Ü. ATV, H. Yüksel, Determination of  Wave Function of a Quantum Dot  Using the Genetic Algorithm. Proceedings of the International Conference on Modelling and Simulation. 2006, 28–30 August 2006, Konya, TURKEY, Paper No B032.

Ulusal Hakemli Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler

  1. F. Yılmazer, Y. Yakar, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Electronic Structure and Bindini Energy of Spherical Quantum Dot, ASUJSE Journal of Science and Engineering, 1, (2017) 41.
  2. A. Türker, B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Y. Yakar, İki elektronu Kuantum Nokta Yapılarda Elektrik Alan Etkisinin Pertürbasyon Yöntemiyle İncelenmesi, S.Ü. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi  42 (2016) 64.
  3. E. Ş. Doğan, B. Çakır,  A. Özmen,  Y. Yakar, Kuantum Nokta Yapılarda Elektrik alan Etkisinin Pertürbasyon Yöntemiyle İncelenmesi, S.Ü. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi  41 (2015) 124.
  4. B. Çakır, M.Ö. Sezer, Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, H. Yüksel,  Hidrojen Tipi Kuantum Nokta Yapının Taban Durumunun Kuantum Genetik Algoritma Yöntemiyle İncelenmesi. S.Ü. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi  33 (2009) 45.
  5. Y. Yakar, M.Ö. Sezer, B. Çakır, H. Yüksel, Calculation of Two-Center One Electron Integrals. Physics, Engineering Physics, Electronic Engineering and Astronomy 49 (2005) 1.
  6. B. Çakır, E. Akın, Y. Yakar, M. Karabıyık, A. Güleç, H. Yüksel, 1,4 Benzokonin, 2-Metil-1, 4-Benzokonin ve Tetrametil-1, 4- Benzokonin Moleküllerinin Elektronik Spektroskopi Yöntemiyle İncelenmesi, S.Ü. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi  24 (2004) 1.
  7. Y. Yakar, A. Özmen, Birinci Sıra Atomlarda Aşırı İnce Yapı Çiftenim Sabitlerinin Binom Katsayıları Kullanılarak Hesaplanması, S.Ü. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 19 (2002) 113.
  8. Y. Yakar, M.Ö. Sezer, Computation of One-Center Overlap, Nuclear Attraction  and Kinetic Energy Integrals ov er Nonintegral-n Slater-Type Orbitals, Physics, Engineering Physics, Electronic Engineering and Astronomy  46 (2001) 41.
  9.  A. Özmen, Y. Yakar, M.Ö. Sezer, Ü. Atak, Yüksel H, Binom Katsayıları Kullanılarak Tek Merkez Overlap, Potansiyel ve Kinetik Enerji İntegrallerinin Slater-Tipi Orbitaller Üzerinden Hesaplanması S.Ü. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 18 (2001) 67.
  10. B. Çakır, A. Özmen, Y. Yakar, M.Ö. Sezer, Yüksel H, Fenol, p-Bromfenol ve p-Nitrofenol Moleküllerinin Moleküler elektronik Spektroskopi Yöntemiyle İncelenmesi. S.Ü. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 18 (2001) 73.
  11. M.Ö. Sezer, A. Özmen, M. Kumru, Y. Yakar, H. Yüksel, Toluidine Moleküllerinin  Elektronik Soğurma Spektroskopisi, S.Ü. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 1 (2000) 51.
  12. Y. Yakar, H. Yüksel, M. Kumru, A. Özmen, Benzen, Anilin ve Piridin Moleküllerinin Elektronik Soğurma Spektroskopisi, S.Ü. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 15 (1998) 47.