Prof. Dr. Engin DELİGOZ
Aksaray University, School of Arts and Sciences, Department of Physics, Turkey
Phone: +90 382 288 2166
Fax: +90 382 288 2125
Ph.D. 2007, Gazi University (Turkey), Solid State Science-Physics
M.Sc. 2001, Gazi University (Turkey), Solid State Science-Physics
B.Sc. 1997, KaradenizTechnical University (Turkey) Physics
Professor of Physics (Aksaray University) 2015 – present
Associate Professor of Physics (Aksaray University) 2010-2015
Assistant Professor of Physics (Aksaray University) 2007-2010
Vice Rector, Aksaray University, 2018 – 2023
Chairperson, Department of Physics, AksarayUniversity, 2011 – present
Chairperson, Division of Solid State Science Studies, 2010 – present
- Ab iniitio calculations
- Thermoelectric materials
- Topological insulator
- 2D materials
Editor-in-Chief, Aksaray University Journal of Science and Engineering
Associate Editors, Frontiers in Physics | Interdisciplinary Physics (SCI-exp.)
3452 (Google Scholar) h_index=31
2651 (Web of Science) h_index=26
- Deligöz E., Çiftci Y. and Çolakoğlu K., “Lattice dynamical calculations for the bcc cerium”, Mater. Lett. 59: 2166-2169 (2005). PDF
- Deligoz E., Colakoglu K. and Ciftci Y., “Elastic, electronic, and lattice dynamical properties of CdS, CdSe, and CdTe”, Physica B, 373 : 124-130 (2006). PDF
- Deligoz E., Colakoglu K. and Ciftci Y., “The first principles study on the boron antimony compound”, J. Phy. Chem. Solids, 68: 482-489 (2007). PDF
- Deligoz E., Colakoglu K. and Ciftci Y., “The first principles study on boron bismuth compound”, Comp. Mat. Sci., 39: 533-540 (2007). PDF
- Deligoz E., Colakoglu K. and Ciftci Y.O., “The elastic, electronic, and vibrational properties of pure CdF2: A first-principles study”, J. Alloy Comp., 438: 66-71 (2007). PDF
- Deligöz E., Çolakoğlu K, Çiftçi Y., Lattice dynamical calculations for the Ta–W alloys, Mater. Lett., 61: 4867-4871 (2007). PDF
- Deligöz E., Çolakoğlu K., Çiftçi Y., Ozisik H. “Electronic, elastic, thermodynamical, and dynamical properties of the rock-salt LaAs and LaP” J. Phys.:Condens. Mat. 19: 436204-436214 (2007). PDF
- Çiftci Y. Ö., Çolakoğlu K., and Deligöz E., “Structural, elastic and electronic properties of AlN: A first principles study”, Phys. stat. sol. (c), 4:234– 237 (2007). PDF
- Deligoz E., Colakoglu K., Ciftci Y.O., “Ab-Initio total energy calculations on the AlBi compound”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 899:593-593 (2007). PDF
- Yüce G., Çolakoğlu K., Deligoz E., Çiftci Y.O., “The first-principles calculations on the Cul compound”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 899:674-674 (2007). PDF
- Arslan S., Çiftci Y. Ö., Çolakoğlu K., and Deligöz E., “First-principles studies on structural and electronic properties of ThN”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 899:578-578 (2007). PDF
- Deligoz E., Colakoglu K., Ciftci Y.O., “The first principles study on cubic IrO2 polymorph”, Eur. Phy. J. B, 60:477-481 (2007). PDF
- Çiftçi Y.Ö., Çolakoğlu K., Deligöz E.,and Ozisik H, “The first–principles study on the LaN” Mater. Chem. Phy., 108: 120-123 (2008). PDF
- Deligoz E., Colakoglu K., Ciftci Y. O., “The structural, elastic, and electronic properties of the pyrite-type phase for SnO2”, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 69: 859-864 (2008). PDF
- Deligoz E., Colakoglu K. and Ciftci Y., “Ab Initio Study on Hypothetical Silver Nitride” Chinese Phys. Lett. 25:6, 2154-2157 (2008). PDF
- Deligoz E, Ciftci Y. O., Jochym P.T., Colakoglu K., “The first principles study on PtC compound”, Mater. Chem Phys., 111:1, 29-33 (2008). PDF
- Ciftci Y. O, Colakoglu K., Deligoz E, “The Structural, Thermodynamical, Elastic, and Vibrational Properties of LaBi”, J. Phys.:Condens. Mat. 20:34, 345202 (2008). PDF
- Ciftci Y. O, Colakoglu K., Deligoz E “A First – Principles Studies on TlX(X=P, As)” Cent. Eur. J. Phys. 6:4, 802-807 (2008). PDF
- Tuncel E, Colakoglu K, Deligöz E, Çiftçi Y, “A first-principles study on the structural, vibrational, and thermodynamical properties of BaX (X =S, Se, and Te)”, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 70:2, 371–378 (2009). PDF
- Bayrakci M., Colakoglu K., Deligoz E., and. Ciftci Y.O., “A first-principles study on the structural, dynamical, and elastic Properties of CaX (X =S, Se, and Te)”, High Pressure Res., 29:2, 187-203 (2009). PDF
- Körözlü N, Çolakoğlu K, Deligöz E. “Structural, electronic, elastic, and optical properties of CdxZn1-xTe mixed crystals” J. Phys.:Condens. Mat. 21:17, 175406-175411 (2009). PDF
- Ciftci Y. O, Unlu Y. Colakoglu K., Deligoz E “The structural, thermodynamical and elastic properties of TiO” Phys. Scr. 80:2, 025601 (2009). PDF
- Deligoz E., Colakoglu K. and Ciftci Y “Lattice dynamical properties of ScB2, TiB2, and VB2 compounds” Solid State Comm. 149:41-43, 1843-1848 (2009). PDF
- Surucu G,Colakoglu K., Deligoz E., Ozisik H. “The lattice dynamical and thermo-elastic properties of Rh3X(X = Ti, V) compounds”, Intermetallics 18:2, 286 (2010). PDF
- Coban C, Çolakoğlu, Deligöz E, Çiftçi Y. Ö.”Electronic,elastic,thermodynamical,and phonon properties of the SmX (X=P,Sb, Bi) compounds” Comp. Mater. Sci. 47, 758-768 (2010). PDF
- Deligoz E., Colakoglu K.,Ciftci Y. O “Phonon Dispersion and Thermodynamical Properties in ZrB2, NbB2, and MoB2” Solid State Comm. 150:9, 405-410 (2010). PDF
- Körözlü N, Çolakoğlu K, Deligöz E. “First-principlesstudy of structural, elastic, lattice dynamical and thermodynamical propertiesof GdX (X= Bi, Sb)” Phys. Mag. 90:14, 1833-1852 (2010). PDF
- Deligoz E., Colakoglu K.,Ciftci Y. O “ Lattice dynamical and thermodynamical properties of HfB2 and TaB2 compounds”, Comp. Mater. Sci. 47:4, 875-880 (2010). PDF
- Korozlu N, Colakoglu K, Deligoz E., “First principlecalculation of the structural, electronic and optical properties of CdxZn1-xS ternary alloys”, Phys. Status Solidi B 247, 1214-1219 (2010). PDF
- Deligoz E., Colakoglu K.,Ciftci Y. O., “Structural, electronic, mechanical, thermodynamical, andvibrational properties of the RhN compound via ab initio calculation J. Mater. Sci 45, 3720-3726 (2010). PDF
- Surucu G. , Colakoglu K., Deligöz E., Korozlu N. Ozisik H., “Thermo-elastic and Lattice Dynamical Properties of Rh3Hf Compound” Comp. Mater. Sci. 48, 859-865 (2010). PDF
- Surucu G., Colakoglu K.,Deligöz E.,Ciftci Y., Korozlu Y., “The structural,electronic and optical properties of Zn1-xCaxSe mixed alloys” Solid State. Comm. 150, 1413-1418 (2010). PDF
- Deligoz E., Colakoglu K., Ciftci Y. O, “Mechanical and Electronic properties of the PdN: A first-principles study” Phys. Status Solidi B 247:9, 2155-60 (2010). PDF
- Kocak B, Ciftci Y. O., Colakoglu K, Deligoz E. “Structural, elastic, electronic, and thermodynamic properties of PrN from first principles calculations” Physica B 405:19, 4139-44 (2010). PDF
- Ozisik H, Deligoz E, Colakoglu K, and Surucu G., “Mechanical and lattice dynamical properties of the Re2C compound”, Phys. Status Solidi RRL 4:12, 347–349 (2010). PDF
- Ozisik H, Colakoglu K, Ozisik H. B., Deligoz E “Structural, elastic, and lattice dynamical properties of Germanium diiodide (GeI2)” Comp. Mater. Sci., 50:2 (2010) 349-355. PDF
- Surucu G., Colakoglu K., Deligoz E., Ciftci Y. Korozlu N., “Electronic, elastic and optical properties on the Zn1-xMgxSe mixed alloys” J. Mater. Sci. 46:4, 1007-1014 (2011). PDF
- Kocak B, Ciftci Y. O., Colakoglu K, Deligoz E. “Ab initio study of PrAg Intermetallic Compound” Physica B 406:388-392 (2011). PDF
- Deligoz E., Ozisik H, Colakoglu K., Surucu G, Ciftci Y. O “Mechanical and phonon properties of the superhard LuB2, LuB4, and LuB12 compounds” J. Alloy Comp. 509: 1711-1715 (2011). PDF
- Ozisik H., Deligoz E., Colakoglu K.,Ciftci Y. O “Structural, elastic, and lattice dynamical properties of YB2 compound “ Comp. Mater. Sci. 50: 1057-1063 (2011). PDF
- Körözlü N, Çolakoğlu K, Deligöz E “First principle calculation of the structural, electronic and optical properties of CdxZn1-xS ternary alloys” Opt. Comm. 284:1863-1867 (2011). PDF
- Ozisik H., Ciftci Y. O, Colakoglu K., Deligoz E “The structural, elastic and vibrational properties of the DyX (X=P, As) compounds” Phys. Scr. 83:035601(2011). PDF
- Kocak B, Ciftci Y. O., Colakoglu K, Deligoz E. “Ab initio study of structural, electronic, elastic and vibrational properties of Praseodymium chalcogenides” Comp. Mater. Sci. 50 (2011) 1958–1964. PDF
- Ozayman M., Ciftci Y. O, Colakoglu K., Deligoz E., “First–principles studies of CaX (X = In, Tl) intermetalic compounds”, J. Optoelectron Adv. M. 13:5 (2011) 565 – 574. PDF
- Koc H., Deligöz E., Mamedov A. M. “The elastic, electronic, and optical properties of PtSi and PtGe compounds” Phys. Mag. 91:23 (2011) 3093-3107. PDF
- Deligoz E., Colakoglu K.,H. B. Ozisik, Ciftci Y. O “Vibrational properties of Re2N and Re3N compounds” Solid State Comm. 151:17 (2011) 1122-1127. PDF
- Ateser E., Ozisik H., Colakoglu K. and Deligoz E., “The structural and mechanical properties of CdN compound: A first principles study”, Comp. Mater. Sci., 50:11 (2011) 3208-3212. PDF
- Ozisik H. B., Colakoglu K., Deligoz E., and Ozisik H., “First principles study on the structural, electronic, and elastic properties of Na-As systems”, Solid State Comm., 151:19 (2011) 1349-1354. PDF
- Ciftci Y. O, Colakoglu K., Coban C., Deligoz E “The structural, elastic and thermodynamic properties of intermetallic compound CeGa2” Cent. Eur. J. Phys. 10 (2012) 197-205. PDF
- Ozisik H. B., Colakoglu K., Deligoz E., “First-principles study of structural and mechanical properties of AgB2 and AuB2 compounds under pressure”, Comp. Mater. Sci., 51:1 (2012) 83-90. PDF
- Ciftci Y. O, Colakoglu K. and Deligoz E., U. Bayhan, “First- principles calculations on structure, elasticity and the thermodynamic properties of Al2X (X= Sc, Y) under pressure” J. Mater. Sci. Tech. 28:2 (2012) 155-163. PDF
- B. Kocak, Ciftci Y.O., Colakoglu K., Deligoz E., “A first – principles study of the structural, elastic, lattice dynamical and thermodynamical properties of PrX (X=P, As)” Physica B, 407:3 (2012) 316-323. PDF
- Deligoz E, Colakoglu K., Ozisik H. B., and CiftciY.O., “Lattice Vibrational properties of Al2X (X=Sc,Y) from density functional theory calculations”, Solid State Comm. 152 (2012) 76-80. PDF
- H. B. Ozisik, K. Colakoglu, E. Deligoz, and H. Ozisik, Stability, “Electronic Structure, and Elastic Properties of Rb-As Systems”, Chinese Phys. B, 21:4 (2012) 047101 PDF
- Yildirim, H. Koc, and E. Deligoz “First principles study of the elastic, electronic, optical and vibrational properties of metallic Pd2Ga” Chinese Phys. B, 21(3) (2012) 037101 PDF
- H. B. Ozisik, K. Colakoglu, E. Deligoz “Structural, electronic, and elastic properties of K-As compounds: A first principles study” J. Mol. Model. 18:7 (2012) 3101-3112 PDF
- H. B. Ozisik, K. Colakoglu, E. Deligoz, “Crystal structures, elastic, and lattice dynamical properties of BeB2, NaB2, and CaB2 from the first principles”, J. Phy. Chem. Solids, 73 (2012) 593-598 PDF
- Y.O. Ciftci, M. Ozayman, G. Surucu, K. Colakoglu, E. Deligoz “Structural, electronic, elastic, thermodynamic and vibration properties of TbN compound from first principles calculations”, Solid State Sci. 14 (2012) 401-408. PDF
- E. Deligoz, K. Colakoglu, H.B. Ozisik and Y.O.Ciftci, “Lattice dynamical properties of TcB2 compound”, Solid State Sci., 14 (2012) 794-800. PDF
- H. Koc, A. Yıldirim, E. Deligoz “Ab initio calculations of the elastic, electronic, optical, and vibrational properties of PdGa compound under pressure” Chinese Phys. B 21 (2012) 97102-8. PDF
- E. Deligoz, K. Colakoglu, Y. Ciftci “Lattice dynamical and thermodynamical properties of ReB2, RuB2 and OsB2 compounds in ReB2 structure” Chinese Phys. B, 21 (2012) 106301. PDF
- H. Koc, A. Yildirim, E. Tetik, E. Deligoz “Ab-initio calculation of the structural, elastic, electronic, and linear optical properties of ZrPtSi and TiPtSi ternary compounds” Comp. Mater. Sci., 62 (2012) 235.242. PDF
- H. Koc, Amirullah M. Mamedov, E. Deligoz, and H. Ozisik “First principles prediction of the elastic, electronic, and optical properties of Sb2S3 and Sb2Se3 compounds” Solid State Sci. 14 (2012) 1211-1220. PDF
- N. Korozlu, K. Colakoglu, E. Deligoz, and S. Aydin “The elastic and mechanical properties of MB12 as a function of pressure” J. Alloy Comp., 546 (2013) 157-164 PDF
- E. Deligoz, K. Colakoglu, H. Ozisik, and Y.O. Cifti, “The first principles investigation of lattice dynamical and thermodynamical properties of Al2Ca and Al2Mg compounds in the cubic Laves structure, Comp. Mater. Sci. 68 (2013) 27-31. PDF
- Kocak B, Ciftci Y.O., Colakoglu K., Deligoz E. “Structural, Elastic,Thermodynamical and Lattice Dynamical Properties of PrX (X=Sb, Bi)” Int. J. Mater. Res. 104 (2013) 99-108 PDF
- Y. Mogulkoc, Y.O. Ciftci, K. Colakoglu, E. Deligoz “The structural, electronic,elastic, vibration and thermodynamic properties of GdMg” Solid State Sci. 16 (2013) 168-174 PDF
- Haci Ozisik, Kemal Colakoglu, Engin Deligoz, Engin Ateser, First-principles calculations of vibrational and thermodynamical properties of rare-earth diborides, Comp. Mater. Sci., 68 (2013) 307-313. PDF
- Engin Ateser, Havva Bogaz Ozisik, Engin Deligoz, Kemal Colakoglu, The First-principles stability study of PdC and CdC compounds, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 27 (2013) 1350016. PDF
- H. Ozisik, E. Deligoz, K. Colakoglu, G. Surucu “Structural and mechanical stability of rare earth diborides” Chinese Phys. B 22:4 (2013) 046202. PDF
- Havva Bogaz Ozisik, Kemal Colakoglu, Engin Deligoz, “Thermal properties of the XB2 (X=Ag, Au) compounds: A first-principles study”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 27 (2013) 1350046. PDF
- H. Ozisik, E. Deligoz, K. Colakoglu, E. Ateser, “The first principles studies of the MgB7 compound: hard material”, Intermetallics 39 (2013) 84-88. PDF
- Souraya Goumri-Said, Haci Ozisik, Engin Deligoz and Mohammed Benali Kanoun, “Ab-initio investigations of the strontium gallium nitrides ternaries Sr3GaN3 and Sr6GaN5: promising materials for optoelectronic”, Semicond. Sci. Tech. 28 (2013) 085005. PDF
- U. Koroglu, S. Cabuk, E. Deligoz ” Structural, electronic, elastic and vibrational properties of BiAlO3: a first principles study” J. Alloy Comp., 574 (2013) 520-525 PDF
- B. Kocak, Y.O. Ciftci, K. Colakoglu, E. Deligoz, A. Tatar, “Pressure-depended elastic, vibration and optical properties of NbIrSn from first principles calculations” Mater. Sci. Tech-Lond. 29 (2013) 925-930 PDF
- Haci Ozisik, Engin Deligoz, Kemal Colakoglu, Gokhan Surucu, “Ab-initio studies of the some rare-earth borides: CeB2, PrB2, NdB2, and PmB2”, Int. J. Mater. Res. 104 (2013) 9 PDF
- G. Surucu, K. Colakoglu, E. Deligoz, Y. O. Ciftci “Structural, Electronic and Mechanical Properties of W1-xTcxB2 Alloys” Solid State Comm. 171 (2013) 1-4. PDF
- M. Ould Kada, T. Seddik, R. Khenata, E. Deligoz, Y. Al-Douri, A. Bouhemadou, D. Rached “Elastic, electronic and thermodynamic properties of Rh3X (X = Zr, Nb and Ta) intermetallic compounds” Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 28 (2014)1450006 PDF
- H. Ozisik, E. Deligoz, K. Colakoglu, H.B. Ozisik “Density functional study of the mechanical and phonon properties of Al12X (X=Mo, Tc, Ru, W, Re, and Os) compounds” Intermetallics 50 (2014) 1-7 PDF
- H. Koc, H. Ozisik, E. Deligöz, Amirullah M. Mamedov, E. Ozbay “Mechanical, electronic, and optical properties of Bi2S3 and Bi2Se3 compounds: first principle investigations” J. Mol. Model. 20 (2014) 2180 PDF
- E. Deligoz, H. B. Ozisik, K. Colakoglu, Y.O. Ciftci “First principles prediction of the structural stability, elastic, lattice dynamical and thermal properties of osmium carbides” Mater. Sci. Tech-Lond. 30 (2014) 842-849 PDF
- E. Deligoz, H. Ozisik and K. Colakoglu “Theoretical predictions of the structural, mechanical and lattice dynamical properties of XW2 (X=Zr, Hf) Laves phases” Philosophical Magazine 94:13 (2014)1379-1392 PDF
- Y. O. Çiftci, A. H. Ergün, K. Colakoglu, E. Deligoz “First Principles LDA+U and GGA+U study of HfO2: Dependence on the Effective U Parameter” GU J Sci. 27 (2014) 627-636 PDF
- U. Koroglu, S. Cabuk, E. Deligoz “First-principles study of structural, elastic, electronic and vibrational properties of BiCoO3” Solid State Sciences 34 (2014) 1-7 PDF
- Y. Mogulkoc, Y. Ciftci, K. Colakoglu, E. Deligoz “First-principles calculations of mechanic and vibration properties of AgRE (RE= Ho, Er, Tm) intermetallic compounds under pressure” Phys. Scr. 90 (2015) 25701 PDF
- U.F. Ozyar, E. Deligoz, K. Colakoglu “Systematic study on the anisotropic elastic properties of tetragonal XYSb (X=Ti, Zr, Hf; Y=Si, Ge) compounds” Solid State Sci. 40 (2015) 92-100 PDF
- A.Yumak, G.Turgut, O.Kamoun, H. Ozisik, E. Deligoz, P. Petkova, R. Mimouni, K. Boubaker, M. Amlouk, S. Goumri-Said “Stability and morphology-dependence of Sc3+ ions incorporation and substitution kinetics within ZnO host lattice” Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 39 (2015) 103-111 PDF
- E. Deligoz, H. Ozisik “Mechanical and dynamical stability of TiAsTe compound from ab initio calculations” Philosophical Magazine 95 (2015) 2294-2305 PDF
- G. Surucu, K. Colakoglu, Y. O. Ciftci, H.B. Ozisik, E. Deligoz “Thermo-elastic and lattice dynamical properties of Pd3X (X= Ti, Zr, Hf) alloys: an ab initio study” Brazilian Journal of Physics 45(2015) 604-614 PDF
- G. Surucu, K. Colakoglu, N. Korozlu, E. Deligoz, “First Principles Study on the MAX Phases Tin+1GaNn (n= 1,2, and 3)” J. Elect. Mater. 45 (2016) 4256-4264. PDF
- H. Ozisik, S. Simsek, E. Deligoz, M. Mamedov, E. Ozbay “Optical and Electronic Properties of Orthorhombic and Trigonal AXO3 (A=Cd, Zn; X=Sn, Ge): first principle calculation” Ferroelectrics 498 (2016) 73-79 PDF
- E. Deligoz, U.F. Ozyar, and H.B. Ozisik, Theoretical investigations on vibrational properties and thermal conductivities of ternary antimonides TiXSb, ZrXSb, and HfXSb (X=Si, Ge), Philosophical Magazine 96 (2016) 1712-1723 PDF
- H. Ozisik, E. Deligoz, G. Surucu, H. B. Ozisik, Anisotropic elastic and vibrational properties of Ru2B3 and Os2B3: a first-principles investigation, Materials Research Express 3 (2016) 076501. PDF
- N. Turkdal, E. Deligoz, H. Ozisik and H.B. Ozisik, First-principles studies of the structural, elastic, and lattice dynamical properties of ZrMo2 and HfMo2, Phase Transitions, 90:6 (2017) 598-609. PDF
- H.B. Ozisik, H. Ozisik, E. Deligoz, A new quaternary semiconductor compound (Ba2Sb4GeS10): Ab initio study, Philosophical Magazine 97:8 (2017) 549-560. PDF
- G. Surucu, C. Kaderoğlu, E. Deligoz, H. Ozisik “Investigation of structural, electronic and anisotropic elastic properties of Ru-doped WB2 compound by increased valence electron concentration” Materials Chemistry and Physics 189 (2017) 90-95. PDF
- H.B. Ozisik, E. Ateser, H. Ozisik, K. Colakoglu, E. Deligoz, Ab-initio Calculations on Half-Heusler NiXSn (X=Zr, Hf) Compounds: Electronic and Optical Properties under Pressure, Indian Journal of Physics 91:7 (2017) 773-778. PDF
- H. Joshi, D. P. Rai, E. Deligoz, H. B. Ozisik and R. K. Thapa “Electronic and thermoelectric properties of d2/do type tetragonal HfSiSb: A FP-LAPW method” Mater. Res. Express 4 (2017) 105506 PDF
- S. Palaz, H. Koc, H. Ozisik, E. Deligoz, A.M. Mamedov, E. Ozbay, Optical and Magnetic Properties of Some XMnSb and Co2YZ Compounds: ab initio calculations, Physica Status Solidi C 14 (2017) 1600182 PDF
- A. Erkisi, G: Surucu, E. Deligoz “The structural, electronic, magnetic and mechanical properties of perovskite oxides PbM1/2Nb1/2O3 (M = Fe, Co and Ni)” International Journal of Modern Physics B Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 32, 1850057 (2018) PDF
- Kaya, M., Khadem, S., Cakmak, Y. S., Mujtaba, M., Ilk, S., Akyuz, L., Salaberria, A. M., Labidi, J., Abdulqadir, A. H. and Deligoz, E., Antioxidative and antimicrobial edible chitosan films blended with stem, leaf and seed extracts of Pistacia terebinthus for active food packaging, RSC Advances 8 (2018) 3941-3950. PDF
- M.B. Baysal, G. Surucu, E. Deligoz, H. Ozısık, The effect of hydrogen on the mechanical and phonon properties of LaMgNi4 and its hydrides for hydrogen storage applications, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 43 (2018) 23397 PDF
- E. Deligoz, H. Ozisik, H.B. Ozisik, Calculation of the stability and mechanical and phonon properties of NbRuB, TaRuB, and NbOsB compounds, Philosophical Magazine 99 (2019) 328-346 PDF
- E Deligoz, HB Ozisik, H Ozisik, Exploring mechanical, electronic, vibrational, and thermoelectric properties of CaGa2P2, CaGa2As2, and SrGa2As2, Solid State Science 96 (2019) 105942 PDF
- E Ateser, O Okvuran, YO Ciftci, H Ozisik, E Deligoz, Physical properties of ternary thallium chalcogenes Tl2 MQ 3 (M= Zr, Hf; Q= S, Se, Te) via ab-initio calculations Chinese Physics B 28 (2019), 106301 PDF
- HB Ozisik, E Deligoz, H Ozisik, E Ateser Phonon transport properties of NbCoSb compound Mater. Res. Express 7 (2020) 025004 PDF
- S Azam, S Goumri-Said, SA Khan, H Ozisik, E Deligoz, MB Kanoun W. Khanf Electronic structure and related optical, thermoelectric and dynamical properties of Lilianite-type Pb7Bi4Se13: ab-initio and Boltzmann transport theory Materialia 10 (2020) 100658 PDF
- E Bolen, E Deligoz, H Ozisik First-principles investigation of the structural, dynamical, electronic, and elastic properties of WGe2 and W5Ge3 Philosophical Magazine 100 (2020), 1129-1149 PDF
- A. Gencer, O. Surucu, G. Surucu, E. Deligoz, Anisotropic mechanical properties of Tl4Ag18Te11 compound with low thermal conductivity, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 289 (2020) 121469. PDF
- G Surucu, H Ozısık, E Deligoz, IR Shein, AV Matovnikov, NV Mitroshenkov, A.V. Morozov, V.V. Novikov Electronic and thermodynamic properties of lanthanum tetraboride on low-temperature experimental and ab-initio calculation data, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 862 (2021) 158020. PDF
- M.A Korkmaz, E Deligoz, H Ozisik, Strong Elastic Anisotropy of Low-Dimensional Ternary Compounds: InXTe 3 (X= Si, Ge), Journal of Electronic Materials 50:5 (2021) 2779-2788. PDF
- E Bolen, E Deligoz, H Ozisik, Origin of low thermal conductivity in monolayer PbI2, Solid State Communications 327 (2021) 114223. PDF
- A Gencer, S Aydin, O Surucu, X Wang, E Deligoz, G Surucu, Enhanced hydrogen storage of a functional material: Hf2CF2 MXene with Li decoration, Applied Surface Science 551 (2021) 149484 2021. PDF
- Souraya Goumri-Said, Tahani A Alrebdi, Engin Deligoz, Haci Ozisik, Mohammed Benali Kanoun, Revisiting the Electronic Structures and Phonon Properties of Thermoelectric Antimonide-Tellurides: Spin–Orbit Coupling Induced Gap Opening in ZrSbTe and HfSbTe Crystals, 11 (2021) 917 PDF
- E Bolen, E Deligoz, Computational study of mechanical stability and phonon properties of MXenes Mo2ScC2T2 (T = O and F): 2D materials Journal of Applied Physics 130 (2021) 065102 PDF
- HB Ozisik, E Deligoz, H Ozisik Stability and Anisotropic Elastic Properties of a Hexagonal δ-WN Compound Journal of Electronic Materials 51 (2022) 412 PDF
E. Deligoz, H. Ozisik, and E. Bolen, Physical insights on the ultralow thermal conductivity of Ag8XSe6 (X=Si, Ge, and Sn), Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 142 (2022) 109689. PDF
E Deligoz, H Ozisik, H.B. Ozisik, Prediction of new stable crystal structures for ternary ErAgTe2 and YAgTe2 semiconductors: Ab initio study, Solid State Sciences 139 (2023) 107160. PDF
- Y. Zaulychnyy, E. Bolen, M. Karpets, S. Petrovska, O. Khyzhun, E. Deligoz, H. Ozisik, Transformation of bonds and redistribution of partial states of valence electrons at α(С23)-WGe2→β(С11b)-WGe2 high-pressure polymorphic transformation, Physica Scripta 98 (2023) 055936. PDF
- E. Bolen, E Deligoz “Unusual thermo-mechanical properties of the Janus Mo2ScC2OH MXene monolayer” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25 (2023) 30914-30923 PDF
- A. Kutluca, E. Deligoz, H. Ozisik, Exploring the impact of van der Waals-corrected exchange-correlation functional on the physical properties of layered GeSe compound, Computational Materials Science, 233 (2024) 112745. PDF
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