Prof. Dr. Engin DELİGOZ

Aksaray University, School of Arts and Sciences, Department of Physics, Turkey

e-mail: edeligoz@yahoo.com

Phone: +90 382 288 2166

Fax: +90 382 288 2125


Ph.D. 2007, Gazi University (Turkey), Solid State Science-Physics
M.Sc. 2001, Gazi University (Turkey), Solid State Science-Physics
B.Sc. 1997, KaradenizTechnical  University (Turkey) Physics


Professor of Physics (Aksaray University) 2015 – present

Associate Professor of Physics (Aksaray University) 2010-2015

Assistant Professor of Physics (Aksaray University) 2007-2010


Vice Rector, Aksaray University, 2018 – 2023

Chairperson, Department of Physics, AksarayUniversity, 2011 – present

Chairperson, Division of Solid State Science Studies, 2010 – present


  • Ab iniitio calculations
  • Thermoelectric materials
  • Topological insulator
  • 2D materials


Editor-in-Chief, Aksaray University Journal of Science and Engineering

Associate Editors, Frontiers in Physics | Interdisciplinary Physics (SCI-exp.)


3452 (Google Scholar) h_index=31


2651 (Web of Science) h_index=26


  1. Deligöz E., Çiftci Y. and Çolakoğlu K., “Lattice dynamical calculations for the bcc cerium”, Mater. Lett. 59: 2166-2169 (2005). PDF
  2. Deligoz E., Colakoglu K. and Ciftci Y., “Elastic, electronic, and lattice dynamical properties of CdS, CdSe, and CdTe”, Physica B, 373 : 124-130 (2006). PDF
  3. Deligoz E., Colakoglu K. and Ciftci Y., “The first principles study on the boron antimony compound”, J. Phy. Chem. Solids, 68: 482-489 (2007). PDF
  4. Deligoz E., Colakoglu K. and Ciftci Y., “The first principles study on boron bismuth compound”, Comp. Mat. Sci., 39: 533-540 (2007). PDF
  5. Deligoz E., Colakoglu K. and Ciftci Y.O., “The elastic, electronic, and vibrational properties of pure CdF2: A first-principles study”, J. Alloy Comp., 438: 66-71 (2007). PDF
  6. Deligöz E., Çolakoğlu K, Çiftçi Y., Lattice dynamical calculations for the Ta–W alloys, Mater. Lett., 61: 4867-4871 (2007). PDF
  7. Deligöz E., Çolakoğlu K., Çiftçi Y., Ozisik H. “Electronic, elastic, thermodynamical, and dynamical properties of the rock-salt LaAs and LaP” J. Phys.:Condens. Mat. 19: 436204-436214 (2007). PDF
  8. Çiftci Y. Ö., Çolakoğlu K., and Deligöz E., “Structural, elastic and electronic properties of AlN: A first principles study”, Phys. stat. sol. (c), 4:234– 237 (2007). PDF
  9. Deligoz E., Colakoglu K., Ciftci Y.O., “Ab-Initio total energy calculations on the AlBi compound”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 899:593-593 (2007). PDF
  10. Yüce G., Çolakoğlu K., Deligoz E., Çiftci Y.O., “The first-principles calculations on the Cul compound”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 899:674-674 (2007). PDF
  11. Arslan S.,  Çiftci Y. Ö.,  Çolakoğlu K., and  Deligöz E., First-principles studies on structural and electronic properties of ThN”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 899:578-578 (2007). PDF
  12. Deligoz E., Colakoglu K., Ciftci Y.O., “The first principles study on cubic IrO2 polymorph”, Eur. Phy. J. B, 60:477-481 (2007). PDF
  13. Çiftçi Y.Ö., Çolakoğlu K., Deligöz E.,and Ozisik H, The first–principles study on the LaN” Mater. Chem.  Phy., 108: 120-123 (2008). PDF
  14. Deligoz E., Colakoglu K., Ciftci Y. O., “The structural, elastic, and electronic properties of the pyrite-type phase for SnO2”, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 69: 859-864 (2008). PDF
  15. Deligoz E., Colakoglu K. and Ciftci Y., “Ab Initio Study on Hypothetical Silver Nitride” Chinese Phys. Lett. 25:6, 2154-2157 (2008). PDF
  16. Deligoz E, Ciftci Y. O., Jochym P.T., Colakoglu K., “The first principles study on PtC compound”, Mater. Chem Phys., 111:1, 29-33 (2008). PDF
  17. Ciftci Y. O, Colakoglu K., Deligoz E, “The Structural, Thermodynamical, Elastic, and Vibrational Properties of LaBi”, J. Phys.:Condens. Mat. 20:34, 345202 (2008). PDF
  18. Ciftci Y. O, Colakoglu K., Deligoz E “A First – Principles Studies on TlX(X=P, As)” Cent. Eur. J. Phys. 6:4, 802-807 (2008). PDF
  19. Tuncel E, Colakoglu K, Deligöz E, Çiftçi Y, “A first-principles study on the structural, vibrational, and thermodynamical properties of BaX (X =S, Se, and Te)”, J. Phys. Chem. Solids70:2,  371–378 (2009). PDF
  20. Bayrakci M., Colakoglu K., Deligoz E., and. Ciftci Y.O., “A first-principles study on the structural, dynamical, and elastic Properties of CaX (X =S, Se, and Te)”, High Pressure Res., 29:2, 187-203 (2009). PDF
  21. Körözlü N,  Çolakoğlu K, Deligöz E. “Structural, electronic, elastic, and optical properties of CdxZn1-xTe mixed crystals” J. Phys.:Condens. Mat.  21:17, 175406-175411 (2009). PDF
  22. Ciftci Y. O, Unlu Y. Colakoglu K., Deligoz E “The structural, thermodynamical and elastic properties of TiO” Phys. Scr. 80:2, 025601 (2009). PDF
  23. Deligoz E., Colakoglu K. and Ciftci Y “Lattice dynamical properties of ScB2, TiB2, and VB2 compounds” Solid State Comm. 149:41-43, 1843-1848 (2009). PDF
  24. Surucu G,Colakoglu K., Deligoz E., Ozisik H. “The lattice dynamical and thermo-elastic properties of Rh3X(X = Ti, V) compounds”, Intermetallics 18:2, 286 (2010). PDF
  25. Coban C, Çolakoğlu, Deligöz E, Çiftçi Y. Ö.”Electronic,elastic,thermodynamical,and phonon properties of the SmX (X=P,Sb, Bi) compounds” Comp. Mater. Sci. 47, 758-768 (2010). PDF
  26. Deligoz E., Colakoglu K.,Ciftci Y. O “Phonon Dispersion and Thermodynamical Properties in ZrB2, NbB2, and MoB2” Solid State Comm. 150:9, 405-410 (2010). PDF
  27. Körözlü N, Çolakoğlu K, Deligöz E. “First-principlesstudy of structural, elastic, lattice dynamical and thermodynamical propertiesof GdX (X= Bi, Sb)” Phys. Mag. 90:14, 1833-1852 (2010). PDF
  28. Deligoz E., Colakoglu K.,Ciftci Y. O “ Lattice dynamical and thermodynamical properties of HfB2 and TaB2 compounds”, Comp. Mater. Sci. 47:4, 875-880 (2010). PDF
  29. Korozlu N, Colakoglu K, Deligoz E., “First principlecalculation of the structural, electronic and optical properties of CdxZn1-xS ternary alloys”, Phys. Status Solidi B 247, 1214-1219 (2010). PDF
  30. Deligoz E., Colakoglu K.,Ciftci Y. O., “Structural, electronic, mechanical, thermodynamical, andvibrational properties of the RhN compound via ab initio calculation J. Mater. Sci  45, 3720-3726 (2010). PDF
  31. Surucu G. , Colakoglu K., Deligöz E., Korozlu N. Ozisik H., “Thermo-elastic and Lattice Dynamical Properties of Rh3Hf Compound” Comp. Mater. Sci. 48, 859-865 (2010). PDF
  32. Surucu G., Colakoglu K.,Deligöz E.,Ciftci Y., Korozlu Y., “The structural,electronic and optical properties of Zn1-xCaxSe mixed alloys” Solid State. Comm. 150, 1413-1418 (2010). PDF
  33. Deligoz E., Colakoglu K., Ciftci Y. O, “Mechanical and Electronic properties of the PdN: A first-principles study” Phys. Status Solidi B 247:9, 2155-60 (2010). PDF
  34. Kocak B, Ciftci Y. O., Colakoglu K, Deligoz E. “Structural, elastic, electronic, and thermodynamic properties of PrN from first principles calculations” Physica B 405:19,  4139-44 (2010). PDF
  35. Ozisik H, Deligoz E, Colakoglu K, and Surucu G., “Mechanical and lattice dynamical properties of the Re2C compound”, Phys. Status Solidi RRL 4:12, 347–349 (2010). PDF
  36. Ozisik H, Colakoglu K, Ozisik H. B., Deligoz E “Structural, elastic, and lattice dynamical properties of Germanium diiodide (GeI2)” Comp. Mater. Sci., 50:2 (2010) 349-355. PDF
  37. Surucu G., Colakoglu K., Deligoz E., Ciftci Y. Korozlu N., “Electronic, elastic and optical properties on the Zn1-xMgxSe mixed alloys” J. Mater. Sci. 46:4, 1007-1014 (2011). PDF
  38. Kocak B, Ciftci Y. O., Colakoglu K, Deligoz E. “Ab initio study of PrAg Intermetallic Compound” Physica B 406:388-392 (2011). PDF
  39. Deligoz E., Ozisik H,  Colakoglu K., Surucu G, Ciftci Y. O “Mechanical and phonon properties of the superhard LuB2, LuB4, and LuB12 compounds” J. Alloy Comp. 509: 1711-1715 (2011). PDF
  40. Ozisik H., Deligoz E., Colakoglu K.,Ciftci Y. O “Structural, elastic, and lattice dynamical properties of YB2 compound “ Comp. Mater. Sci. 50: 1057-1063 (2011). PDF
  41. Körözlü N,  Çolakoğlu K, Deligöz E “First principle calculation of the structural, electronic and optical properties of CdxZn1-xS ternary alloys”  Opt. Comm. 284:1863-1867 (2011). PDF
  42. Ozisik H., Ciftci Y. O, Colakoglu K., Deligoz E “The structural, elastic and vibrational properties of the DyX (X=P, As) compounds” Phys. Scr. 83:035601(2011). PDF
  43. Kocak B, Ciftci Y. O., Colakoglu K, Deligoz E. “Ab initio study of structural, electronic, elastic and vibrational properties of Praseodymium chalcogenides” Comp. Mater. Sci. 50 (2011) 1958–1964. PDF
  44. Ozayman M., Ciftci Y. O, Colakoglu K., Deligoz E., “First–principles studies of CaX (X = In, Tl) intermetalic compounds”, J. Optoelectron Adv. M. 13:5 (2011)  565 – 574. PDF
  45. Koc H., Deligöz E., Mamedov A. M. “The elastic, electronic, and optical properties of PtSi and PtGe compounds” Phys. Mag. 91:23 (2011) 3093-3107. PDF
  46. Deligoz E., Colakoglu K.,H. B. Ozisik, Ciftci Y. O “Vibrational properties of Re2N and Re3N compounds” Solid State Comm. 151:17 (2011) 1122-1127. PDF
  47. Ateser E., Ozisik H., Colakoglu K. and Deligoz E., “The structural and mechanical properties of CdN compound: A first principles study”, Comp. Mater. Sci., 50:11 (2011) 3208-3212. PDF
  48. Ozisik H. B., Colakoglu K., Deligoz E., and Ozisik H., “First principles study on the structural, electronic, and elastic properties of Na-As systems”, Solid State Comm., 151:19 (2011) 1349-1354. PDF
  49. Ciftci Y. O, Colakoglu K., Coban C., Deligoz E “The structural, elastic and thermodynamic properties of intermetallic compound CeGa2” Cent. Eur. J. Phys. 10 (2012) 197-205. PDF
  50. Ozisik H. B., Colakoglu K., Deligoz E., “First-principles study of structural and mechanical properties of AgB2 and AuB2 compounds under pressure”, Comp. Mater. Sci., 51:1 (2012) 83-90. PDF
  51. Ciftci Y. O, Colakoglu K. and Deligoz E., U. Bayhan, “First- principles calculations on structure, elasticity and the thermodynamic properties of Al2X (X= Sc, Y) under pressure” J. Mater. Sci. Tech. 28:2 (2012) 155-163. PDF
  52. B. Kocak, Ciftci Y.O., Colakoglu K., Deligoz E., “A first – principles study of the structural, elastic, lattice dynamical and thermodynamical properties of PrX (X=P, As)” Physica B, 407:3 (2012) 316-323. PDF
  53. Deligoz E, Colakoglu K., Ozisik H. B., and CiftciY.O., “Lattice Vibrational properties of Al2X (X=Sc,Y) from density functional theory calculations”, Solid State Comm. 152 (2012) 76-80. PDF
  54. H. B. Ozisik, K. Colakoglu, E. Deligoz, and H. Ozisik, Stability, “Electronic Structure, and Elastic Properties of Rb-As Systems”, Chinese Phys. B, 21:4 (2012) 047101 PDF
  55. Yildirim, H. Koc, and E. Deligoz “First principles study of the elastic, electronic, optical and vibrational properties of metallic Pd2Ga” Chinese Phys. B, 21(3) (2012) 037101 PDF
  56. H. B. Ozisik, K. Colakoglu, E. Deligoz “Structural, electronic, and elastic properties of K-As compounds: A first principles study” J. Mol. Model. 18:7 (2012) 3101-3112  PDF
  57. H. B. Ozisik, K. Colakoglu, E. Deligoz, “Crystal structures, elastic, and lattice dynamical properties of BeB2, NaB2, and CaB2 from the first principles”, J. Phy. Chem. Solids, 73 (2012) 593-598 PDF
  58. Y.O. Ciftci, M. Ozayman, G. Surucu, K. Colakoglu, E. Deligoz “Structural, electronic, elastic, thermodynamic and vibration properties of TbN compound from first principles calculations”, Solid State Sci. 14 (2012) 401-408. PDF
  59. E. Deligoz, K. Colakoglu, H.B. Ozisik and Y.O.Ciftci, “Lattice dynamical properties of TcB2 compound”, Solid State Sci., 14 (2012) 794-800. PDF
  60. H. Koc, A. Yıldirim, E. Deligoz “Ab initio calculations of the elastic, electronic, optical, and vibrational properties of PdGa compound under pressure” Chinese Phys. B 21 (2012) 97102-8. PDF
  61. E. Deligoz, K. Colakoglu, Y. Ciftci “Lattice dynamical and thermodynamical properties of ReB2, RuB2 and OsB2 compounds in ReB2 structure” Chinese Phys. B, 21 (2012) 106301. PDF
  62. H. Koc, A. Yildirim, E. Tetik, E. Deligoz “Ab-initio calculation of the structural, elastic, electronic, and linear optical properties of ZrPtSi and TiPtSi ternary compounds” Comp. Mater. Sci.,  62 (2012) 235.242. PDF
  63. H. Koc, Amirullah M. Mamedov, E. Deligoz, and H. Ozisik “First principles prediction of the elastic, electronic, and optical properties  of Sb2S3 and Sb2Se3 compounds” Solid State Sci. 14 (2012) 1211-1220. PDF
  64. N. Korozlu, K. Colakoglu, E. Deligoz, and S. Aydin “The elastic and mechanical properties of MB12 as a function of pressure”  J. Alloy Comp., 546 (2013) 157-164 PDF
  65. E. Deligoz, K. Colakoglu, H. Ozisik, and Y.O. Cifti, “The first principles investigation of lattice dynamical and thermodynamical properties of Al2Ca and Al2Mg compounds in the cubic Laves structure, Comp. Mater. Sci. 68 (2013) 27-31. PDF
  66. Kocak B, Ciftci Y.O., Colakoglu K., Deligoz E. “Structural, Elastic,Thermodynamical and Lattice Dynamical Properties of PrX (X=Sb, Bi)” Int. J. Mater. Res. 104 (2013) 99-108 PDF
  67. Y. Mogulkoc, Y.O. Ciftci, K. Colakoglu, E. Deligoz “The structural, electronic,elastic, vibration and  thermodynamic properties of GdMg” Solid State Sci. 16 (2013) 168-174 PDF
  68. Haci Ozisik, Kemal Colakoglu, Engin Deligoz, Engin Ateser, First-principles calculations of vibrational and thermodynamical properties of rare-earth diborides, Comp. Mater. Sci., 68 (2013) 307-313. PDF
  69. Engin Ateser, Havva Bogaz Ozisik, Engin Deligoz, Kemal Colakoglu, The First-principles stability study of PdC and CdC compounds, Int. J.  Mod.  Phys. B  27 (2013) 1350016. PDF
  70. H. Ozisik, E. Deligoz, K. Colakoglu, G. Surucu “Structural and mechanical stability of rare earth diborides” Chinese Phys. B 22:4 (2013) 046202PDF
  71. Havva Bogaz Ozisik, Kemal Colakoglu, Engin Deligoz, “Thermal properties of the XB2 (X=Ag, Au) compounds: A first-principles study”, Int. J.  Mod.  Phys. B  27 (2013) 1350046. PDF
  72. H. Ozisik, E. Deligoz, K. Colakoglu, E. Ateser, “The first principles studies of the MgB7 compound: hard material”, Intermetallics 39 (2013) 84-88PDF
  73. Souraya Goumri-Said, Haci Ozisik, Engin Deligoz and Mohammed Benali Kanoun, “Ab-initio investigations of the strontium gallium nitrides ternaries Sr3GaN3 and Sr6GaN5: promising materials for optoelectronic”, Semicond. Sci. Tech. 28 (2013) 085005. PDF
  74. U. Koroglu, S. Cabuk, E. Deligoz ” Structural, electronic, elastic and vibrational properties of BiAlO3: a first principles study” J. Alloy Comp., 574 (2013) 520-525  PDF
  75. B. Kocak, Y.O. Ciftci, K. Colakoglu, E. Deligoz, A. Tatar, “Pressure-depended elastic, vibration and optical properties of NbIrSn from first principles calculations” Mater. Sci. Tech-Lond. 29 (2013) 925-930   PDF
  76. Haci Ozisik, Engin Deligoz, Kemal Colakoglu, Gokhan Surucu, “Ab-initio studies of the some rare-earth borides: CeB2, PrB2, NdB2, and PmB2”, Int. J. Mater. Res. 104 (2013) 9 PDF
  77. G. Surucu, K. Colakoglu, E. Deligoz,  Y. O. Ciftci “Structural, Electronic and Mechanical Properties of W1-xTcxB2 Alloys” Solid State Comm. 171 (2013) 1-4. PDF
  78. M. Ould Kada, T. Seddik, R. Khenata, E. Deligoz, Y. Al-Douri, A. Bouhemadou, D. Rached “Elastic, electronic and thermodynamic properties of Rh3X (X = Zr, Nb and Ta) intermetallic compounds” Int. J.  Mod.  Phys. B 28 (2014)1450006 PDF
  79. H. Ozisik, E. Deligoz, K. Colakoglu, H.B. Ozisik “Density functional study of the mechanical and phonon properties of Al12X (X=Mo, Tc, Ru, W, Re, and Os) compounds” Intermetallics 50 (2014) 1-7 PDF
  80. H. Koc, H. Ozisik, E. Deligöz, Amirullah M. Mamedov, E. Ozbay “Mechanical, electronic, and optical properties of Bi2S3 and Bi2Se3 compounds: first principle investigations” J. Mol. Model. 20 (2014) 2180 PDF
  81. E. Deligoz, H. B. Ozisik, K. Colakoglu, Y.O. Ciftci  “First principles prediction of the structural stability, elastic, lattice dynamical and thermal properties of osmium carbides” Mater. Sci. Tech-Lond. 30 (2014) 842-849 PDF
  82. E. Deligoz, H. Ozisik and K. Colakoglu  “Theoretical predictions of the structural, mechanical and lattice dynamical properties of XW2 (X=Zr, Hf) Laves phases” Philosophical Magazine 94:13 (2014)1379-1392 PDF
  83. Y. O. Çiftci,  A. H. Ergün, K. Colakoglu, E. Deligoz “First Principles LDA+U and GGA+U study of HfO2: Dependence on the Effective U Parameter”  GU J Sci. 27 (2014) 627-636 PDF
  84. U. Koroglu, S. Cabuk, E. Deligoz “First-principles study of structural, elastic, electronic and vibrational properties of BiCoO3” Solid State Sciences 34 (2014) 1-7 PDF
  85. Y. Mogulkoc, Y. Ciftci, K. Colakoglu, E. Deligoz “First-principles calculations of mechanic and vibration properties of AgRE (RE= Ho, Er, Tm) intermetallic compounds under pressure” Phys. Scr. 90 (2015) 25701 PDF
  86. U.F. Ozyar, E. Deligoz, K. Colakoglu “Systematic study on the anisotropic elastic properties of tetragonal XYSb (X=Ti, Zr, Hf; Y=Si, Ge) compounds” Solid State Sci. 40 (2015) 92-100 PDF
  87. A.Yumak, G.Turgut, O.Kamoun, H. Ozisik, E. Deligoz, P. Petkova, R. Mimouni, K. Boubaker, M. Amlouk, S. Goumri-Said “Stability and morphology-dependence of Sc3+ ions incorporation and substitution kinetics within ZnO host lattice” Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 39 (2015) 103-111 PDF
  88. E. Deligoz, H. Ozisik “Mechanical and dynamical stability of TiAsTe compound from ab initio calculations” Philosophical Magazine 95 (2015) 2294-2305 PDF
  89. G. Surucu, K. Colakoglu, Y. O. Ciftci, H.B. Ozisik, E. Deligoz  “Thermo-elastic and lattice dynamical properties of Pd3X (X= Ti, Zr, Hf) alloys: an ab initio study” Brazilian Journal of Physics 45(2015) 604-614 PDF
  90. G. Surucu, K. Colakoglu, N. Korozlu, E. Deligoz, “First Principles Study on the MAX Phases Tin+1GaNn (n= 1,2, and 3)” J. Elect. Mater. 45 (2016) 4256-4264. PDF
  91. H. Ozisik, S. Simsek, E. Deligoz, M. Mamedov, E. Ozbay “Optical and Electronic Properties of Orthorhombic and Trigonal AXO3 (A=Cd, Zn; X=Sn, Ge): first principle calculation” Ferroelectrics 498 (2016) 73-79 PDF
  92. E. Deligoz, U.F. Ozyar, and H.B. Ozisik, Theoretical investigations on vibrational properties and thermal conductivities of ternary antimonides TiXSb, ZrXSb, and HfXSb (X=Si, Ge), Philosophical Magazine 96 (2016) 1712-1723 PDF
  93. H. Ozisik, E. Deligoz, G. Surucu, H. B. Ozisik, Anisotropic elastic and vibrational properties of Ru2B3 and Os2B3: a first-principles investigation, Materials Research Express 3 (2016) 076501. PDF
  94. N. Turkdal, E. Deligoz, H. Ozisik and H.B. Ozisik, First-principles studies of the structural, elastic, and lattice dynamical properties of ZrMo2 and HfMo2, Phase Transitions, 90:6 (2017) 598-609PDF
  95. H.B. Ozisik, H. Ozisik, E. Deligoz, A new quaternary semiconductor compound (Ba2Sb4GeS10): Ab initio study, Philosophical Magazine 97:8 (2017) 549-560. PDF
  96. G. Surucu, C. Kaderoğlu, E. Deligoz, H. Ozisik “Investigation of structural, electronic and anisotropic elastic properties of Ru-doped WB2 compound by increased valence electron concentration” Materials Chemistry and Physics 189 (2017) 90-95PDF
  97. H.B. Ozisik, E. Ateser, H. Ozisik, K. Colakoglu, E. Deligoz, Ab-initio Calculations on Half-Heusler NiXSn (X=Zr, Hf) Compounds: Electronic and Optical Properties under Pressure, Indian Journal of Physics 91:7 (2017) 773-778. PDF
  98. H. Joshi, D. P. Rai, E. Deligoz, H. B. Ozisik and R. K. Thapa “Electronic and thermoelectric properties of d2/do type tetragonal HfSiSb: A FP-LAPW method”  Mater. Res. Express 4 (2017) 105506 PDF
  99. S. Palaz, H. Koc, H. Ozisik, E. Deligoz, A.M. Mamedov, E. Ozbay, Optical and Magnetic Properties of Some XMnSb and Co2YZ Compounds: ab initio calculations, Physica Status Solidi C 14 (2017) 1600182 PDF
  100. A. Erkisi, G: Surucu, E. Deligoz “The structural, electronic, magnetic and mechanical properties of perovskite oxides PbM1/2Nb1/2O3 (M = Fe, Co and Ni)”  International Journal of Modern Physics B Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 32, 1850057 (2018) PDF
  101. Kaya, M., Khadem, S., Cakmak, Y. S., Mujtaba, M., Ilk, S., Akyuz, L., Salaberria, A. M., Labidi, J., Abdulqadir, A. H. and Deligoz, E., Antioxidative and antimicrobial edible chitosan films blended with stem, leaf and seed extracts of Pistacia terebinthus for active food packaging, RSC Advances 8 (2018) 3941-3950. PDF
  102. M.B. Baysal, G. Surucu, E. Deligoz, H. Ozısık, The effect of hydrogen on the mechanical and phonon properties of LaMgNi4 and its hydrides for hydrogen storage applications, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 43 (2018) 23397 PDF
  103. E. Deligoz, H. Ozisik, H.B. Ozisik, Calculation of the stability and mechanical and phonon properties of NbRuB, TaRuB, and NbOsB compounds, Philosophical Magazine 99 (2019) 328-346 PDF
  104. E Deligoz, HB Ozisik, H Ozisik, Exploring mechanical, electronic, vibrational, and thermoelectric properties of CaGa2P2, CaGa2As2, and SrGa2As2, Solid State Science 96 (2019) 105942 PDF
  105. E Ateser, O Okvuran, YO Ciftci, H Ozisik, E Deligoz, Physical properties of ternary thallium chalcogenes Tl2 MQ 3 (M= Zr, Hf; Q= S, Se, Te) via ab-initio calculations Chinese Physics B 28 (2019), 106301 PDF
  106. HB Ozisik, E Deligoz, H Ozisik, E Ateser Phonon transport properties of NbCoSb compound Mater. Res. Express 7 (2020) 025004 PDF
  107. S Azam, S Goumri-Said, SA Khan, H Ozisik, E Deligoz, MB Kanoun W. Khanf Electronic structure and related optical, thermoelectric and dynamical properties of Lilianite-type Pb7Bi4Se13: ab-initio and Boltzmann transport theory Materialia 10 (2020) 100658 PDF
  108. E Bolen, E Deligoz, H Ozisik  First-principles investigation of the structural, dynamical, electronic, and elastic properties of WGe2 and W5Ge3  Philosophical Magazine 100 (2020), 1129-1149 PDF
  109. A. Gencer, O. Surucu, G. Surucu, E. Deligoz, Anisotropic mechanical properties of Tl4Ag18Te11 compound with low thermal conductivity, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 289 (2020) 121469. PDF
  110. G Surucu, H Ozısık, E Deligoz, IR Shein, AV Matovnikov, NV Mitroshenkov, A.V. Morozov, V.V. Novikov Electronic and thermodynamic properties of lanthanum tetraboride on low-temperature experimental and ab-initio calculation data, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 862 (2021) 158020. PDF
  111. M.A Korkmaz, E Deligoz, H Ozisik, Strong Elastic Anisotropy of Low-Dimensional Ternary Compounds: InXTe 3 (X= Si, Ge), Journal of Electronic Materials 50:5 (2021) 2779-2788. PDF
  112. E Bolen, E Deligoz, H Ozisik, Origin of low thermal conductivity in monolayer PbI2, Solid State Communications 327 (2021) 114223. PDF
  113. A Gencer, S Aydin, O Surucu, X Wang, E Deligoz, G Surucu, Enhanced hydrogen storage of a functional material: Hf2CF2 MXene with Li decoration, Applied Surface Science 551 (2021) 149484 2021. PDF
  114. Souraya Goumri-Said, Tahani A Alrebdi, Engin Deligoz, Haci Ozisik, Mohammed Benali Kanoun, Revisiting the Electronic Structures and Phonon Properties of Thermoelectric Antimonide-Tellurides: Spin–Orbit Coupling Induced Gap Opening in ZrSbTe and HfSbTe Crystals, 11 (2021) 917 PDF
  115. E Bolen, E Deligoz, Computational study of mechanical stability and phonon properties of MXenes Mo2ScC2T2 (T = O and F): 2D materials Journal of Applied Physics 130 (2021) 065102 PDF
  116. HB Ozisik, E Deligoz, H Ozisik Stability and Anisotropic Elastic Properties of a Hexagonal δ-WN Compound Journal of Electronic Materials 51 (2022) 412 PDF
  117. E. Deligoz, H. Ozisik, and E. Bolen, Physical insights on the ultralow thermal conductivity of Ag8XSe6 (X=Si, Ge, and Sn), Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 142 (2022) 109689. PDF

  118. E Deligoz, H Ozisik, H.B. Ozisik, Prediction of new stable crystal structures for ternary ErAgTe2 and YAgTe2 semiconductors: Ab initio study, Solid State Sciences 139 (2023) 107160.  PDF

  119. Y. Zaulychnyy, E. Bolen, M. Karpets, S. Petrovska, O. Khyzhun, E. Deligoz, H. Ozisik, Transformation of bonds and redistribution of partial states of valence electrons at α(С23)-WGe2→β(С11b)-WGe2 high-pressure polymorphic transformation, Physica Scripta 98 (2023) 055936. PDF
  120. E. Bolen, E Deligoz “Unusual thermo-mechanical properties of the Janus  Mo2ScC2OH MXene monolayer” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25 (2023) 30914-30923 PDF
  121. A. Kutluca, E. Deligoz, H. Ozisik, Exploring the impact of van der Waals-corrected exchange-correlation functional on the physical properties of layered GeSe compound, Computational Materials Science, 233 (2024) 112745. PDF
  122. E Bölen, E Deligoz, H Ozisik, Intrinsically Low Lattice Thermal Conductivity and Thermoelectric Performance of 2D Cu2Te Physica Scripta 99 (2024) 045920 PDF
  123. M. Caid, H. Rached, D. Rached, H. Ozisik, E. Deligӧz, & Y. Rached, DFT assessment on the future prospects of inorganic lead-free halide double perovskites Cs2ABI6 (AB: GeZn, SnBe) for energy conversion technologies. Computational Condensed Matter, 41 (2024) e00978 PDF
  124. A. Kutluca, E. Deligoz, H. Ozisik, Impact of van der Waals corrected functionals on monolayer GeSe polymorphs: An in-depth exploration, Computational Materials Science, 246 (2025) 113383. PDF
  125. E. Bolen, E. Deligoz, & H. Ozisik Physical properties of Mo2C monolayer by substitutional doping with Co/Cu atoms. Journal of Materials Research, (2025) 1-10. PDF
Last updated: Ocak 13, 2025 at 14:45 pm